Det er lite produksjon for tida. For min del har det nye skuleåret starta og det er mykje som skal på plass før lærarane kjem måndag. Er heldigvis i rute.
No har eg rydda og vaska hus, så no skal eg sete meg ned å kose meg med litt kortlaging.
This card is made after Sunday Sketch and Stamp's sketch #8. A simple sketch and a simple card. My friend's daughter is soon 6 years old and I thought this would be nice for her.
I don't produce a lot nowadays. For my part the new schoolyear has started and there is a lot to do before the teachers turn up Monday. Luckily enough I am on track.
Now I have tidyed and cleaned the house, so now I am going to sit down and relax and make a card.
Great card! Thank you for joining us at Sunday Sketch & Stamp, and we hope you will join us again soon.
Gorgeous card, so so sweet! Love the colour combo!
Erin x