Har nytta skissa til Moving along with time #8 . Det er den gamle Daisy & Dandelion utfordringa. No kan ein nytte alle slags stempel. Stamp with fun har 'Birthdays' som tema, Whimsy Stamps har 'Animals' og ABC har 'Anything goes (Animals). Då vart det fire utfordringar på eitt kort - ikkje verst.
I kveld har eg vore på bowling med familien og så har eg kutta ut mange nesties. No er dei klare til å verte stempla på. Kanskje får eg laga eit par kort i løpet av veka. Oppstarten av skuleåret brukar å vere travel, så vi får sjå.
Some time ago, Simon says Stamp had a bloghop where many of their own stamps were used. I fell in love with these frogs that one in the DT used. I wanted to try something similar. Here is the result. I have used Moving along with times' sketch #8. That is the old Daisy & Dandelion challenge. Now you can use any stamp you want. Stamp with fun has 'Birthdays' as a theme, Whimsy Stamps 'Animals' and ABC 'Anything goes (Animals). Then I managed four challenges - not bad going! I had one little downfall. I wanted the middle frog to be upside down, but forgot :-(
This evening we have been bowling and I have cut out lots of nesties. No they are ready to be stamped upon. Maybe I manage to do a few cards this week. The start of the schoolyear is normally busy, so we'll see.